Make homework more effective and efficient.
It increases the effectiveness of traditional homework as a learning tool by:
- Providing students with immediate feedback on the validity of their answers
and giving students the opportunity to correct mistakes while they are still thinking
about the problem. As one student said, I can fix my mistakes while [the] problem is
fresh in my mind.
- Providing students with individualized versions of problems which means that
instructors can encourage students to work together; yet each student must develop an
answer to his or her own version of the problem.
It increases the efficiency of traditional homework by:
- Providing automatic grading of assignments.
- Providing information on the performance of individual students and the course (or section or recitation) as a whole.
Key features:
- Using WeBWorK, instructors can ask most questions typically found in mathematics
and other scientific textbooks as well as more advanced interactive questions.
- Students persist with WeBWorK. At Rochester we find almost all students complete each homework set until most
problems are correct.